Offer your clients a wearable wellness treatment!

Par Bonnie,

When we ask our clients why they chose to enter the wellness field, an overwhelming majority say that they "want to help people". The help we can provide takes many forms - from nail art to skin care to massage to reiki to lymphatic drainage.

Now, you can be among the first in the spa and wellness industry to provide a wearable wellness treatment to reduce pain and pressure from heavy and swollen legs, prevent varicose and spider veins, promote muscle recovery from exercise, and improve lymphatic drainage.

Long recognized as the gold standard for treatment of various medical conditions, gradient compression therapy is now trending towards prevention. This trend is resulting in a forecasted market growth from $2.6USD BILLION to $4.25USD BILLION worldwide by 2023 – and North America represents 47%, nearly half of this market.

The compression therapy market is being driven by several factors, including:

  • An aging population;
  • Rising incidence of chronic ailments such as diabetes and lymphedema;
  • Emerging treatment for sports training and injury recovery;
  • Increased awareness that the newest products are wearable, durable, and most of all, FASHIONABLE – Compression or no, people want to feel what they’re wearing makes them look good.

To meet this increasing demand, and to further support our peers in the Spa and Wellness industry, we are now offering Healthy Leg Fitters Courses, enabling you to provide help and support as a one-stop experience.