5 Steps to Repairing Summer Sun Damage

Par Bonnie,

There’s no doubt that warm sunshine feels good on our upraised faces, starved of light from the long cold winter. However, looking in the mirror after lots of sun exposure all summer long, it can be quite alarming to witness the visible effects of sun damage — leathery, blotchy, sun-spotted and wrinkled skin.

Below are  5 steps to help you begin the process of repairing the visible and invisible signs of excess exposure to the sun.

1. Exfoliation

Ultraviolet rays trigger the production of melanin, which encourages dark spots, blotches and uneven skin tone.

Exfoliation is the best method for stripping away pigmented cells, and autumn is the best time to exfoliate, since the days are shorter with typically less sun exposure.

Moor Spa Pumpkin Peel is a highly effective enzymatic exfoliant. Vitamin A-rich enzymes assist skin renewal and healing, while breaking down and removing dead skin cells. It leaves skin smooth with a renewed texture and appearance. Pumpkin Peel can be applied twice weekly initially, but if skin becomes dry, it can be backed off to once per week. For those with sensitive skin, a gentle mechanical exfoliant, such as Moor Spa Facial Polish, provides effective cell renewal while extracts of calendula, lavender and chamomile soothe and soften. Facial Polish is gentle enough to use on a daily basis, if desired.

Skin treated with AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) is photo-sensitive, so be sure to use adequate sun protection if sun exposure is likely.

2. Serum

A skin serum is a concentrated dose of nutrients and vitamins to provide intensive repair to problem areas, and it’s another great product  to kick start a repair program.  To reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation (sun spots or freckles), apply Moor Spa Radiance Serum daily under moisturizer over the course of 4 weeks for best results. Repair reddened and blotchy skin with Moor Spa Rescue Serum, and return suppleness to leathery, overexposed skin with the age-defying  Moor Spa Supreme Serum.

In order to magnify the benefits of the serum, always apply to toner-damp skin, then wait about 5 minutes until the serum is fully absorbed before applying moisturizer. Damp skin will absorb your skin care products more effectively.

3. Hydration

Because UV rays damage the outer layers of the skin, they reduce the body's ability to absorb moisture, making skin feel tight, leathery and dehydrated. Dry skin can lead to premature ageing, the break down of collagen and the formation of lines and wrinkles. The skin tries to compensate for dryness by producing more oil to lubricate the skin and in doing that, pores can become clogged and black heads and acne may form.

In essence, good skin hydration is essential in order to maintain a healthy and youthful complexion.

Choosing an appropriate moisturizer softens and smoothes the skin, improves moisture balance and can protect skin and even reverse some of the damage done.

For an extra boost of healing power, look for soothing, natural ingredients such as arnica, Vitamin E, rosehip oil, shea butter and Vitamin A to stimulate cellular renewal and promote collagen production. Choose Moor Spa Hydrating Cream, Moor Spa Supreme Cream or, for night time repair, Moor Spa Skin Balm with goldenseal.

4. Professional Skin Care

Your face is the first thing people notice about you, and when you’re experiencing trouble with your skin, it’s best to take it to a professional. Just as you see a hair stylist and take their advice, a professional skin care therapist offers deeper cleansing, more thorough exfoliation, powerful reparative masks, and specialized facial massage to improve product penetration and lymphatic drainage. They also offer expert knowledge in choosing the most appropriate product for your skin’s needs. In terms of relaxation and pampering, there’s nothing like getting a professional facial, in a warm and cozy bed to get your mind relaxed and your skin glowing!

5. Exercise/Nutrition

As much as there are some wonderful techniques and excellent products to repair and renew skin, it can’t be said strongly enough that true beauty and health comes from the inside. Regular exercise improves circulation, increasing blood flow to the skin for a healthy glow, and a good sweat removes toxins from the body.  Healthy, whole foods, rich in fresh nutrients, provide nutrition to the skin as well as improving digestion and increasing energy. Drinking plenty of fresh, filtered water provides hydration to the skin’s cells and improves the release of toxins from the body.

Plan to look after your skin as part of the “whole package” with emphasis on protection and repair, and remember that young-looking skin is in balance with your exercise/nutrition routine - the secret of a healthy glow!