How can we help?

If you're looking for a quick answer to a question, our web chat is a great way to find something out quickly (during business hours). For other questions, please fill in a few details below, and we'll get back to you shortly.

We're serious about client success!
As business owners ourselves we get it! You need the right product at the right time backed by the right support. Our premium products, training and marketing support will set you up for success.
Get in touch
No minimum order quantity
Quick Order Turnaround
Free Expert Consultations
Training & Education
One-Stop Shopping
Marketing Tools & Support

Do you have a special request?

If you would like a one-on-one meeting to discuss your particular business needs, please feel free to book a meeting with Bonnie or Will, at the links below, at your convenience. We can talk about business planning, marketing support, product knowledge, or how to get started with any of our brands.

Bonnie Annis, Creative Director
Bonnie Annis
Will Roderick, Partner and Sales Director
Will Roderick
How to find us?

We are located in the rolling hills of Northumberland County at:
165 South Burns Rd
Baltimore, ON
K0K 1C0
You can reach us via:
Phone/Text: 888-666-7683 or
or message us via Instagram, Facebook, or using the chat feature on this site!