| Bonnie


I learned a new word the other day: puffery.

The official definition of that word is as follows:

"term frequently used to denote the exaggerations reasonably to be expected of a seller as to the degree of quality of his product, the truth or falsity of which cannot be precisely determined."

In other words, baloney.

And it's what companies are feeding you - the spa therapists, owners and estheticians, as they try to market their products to you.

Coming up this week is Toronto's spring spa show, Esthetique Spa International, and I think it is incumbent on all of us, as we walk the trade show floor, to keep the word "puffery" front and centre in our minds.

Here is a link to an excellent article in the Harvard Business Review Research Blog:

The Power and Perils of Puffery

When measuring the marketing claims of the various exhibitors you meet, and the speakers you hear, you might consider asking some of the following questions:

  • Does the marketer make claims about a single aspect of the product, while avoiding talking about the less charming points? (i.e. indicating "no parabens", but failing to mention using formaldehyde releasers as preservatives)
  • Does the marketer use vague language in their promotional strategy? (i.e. "voted the best" without indicating who voted)
  • Does the product have a third-party endorsement label? If so, is it a recognizable and accredited organization?
  • Does the exhibitor answer your questions fully, without verbal tapdancing? To answer this question, you have to trust your instincts.

Never has the term "buyer beware" been more relevant. Expect the exhibitors to respect your intelligence, and when visiting shows or entertaining vendors in your business, do your research, and don't forget to ask critical questions.

Moor Spa, Canadian manufacturer of 100% Natural Source Skincare, Bodycare and Wellness products, is committed to bringing integrity and fairness to the spa and wellness industry. Ask us your questions, and if we don't know the answer, we'll find out for you.